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CMW Search & Rescue Procedure and Contacts

If you are a relative or friend of someone on a walk, and that person has not returned when expected you can contact any of the following CMW Search and Rescue Contacts for immediate advice:


Jeff Howard

President / Webmaster   

9807 3649 (H) 0408 960 274 (M)

Geoff Moxon

Walks Secretary

4236 1151 (H) 0431 039 370 (M)

Alan Dixon


9799 6139 (H) 0409 902 168 (M)

Dani Gentle


9608 3229 (H) 0427 123 203 (M)


If none of the above contacts can be reached, you need to phone Triple Zero (000) immediately and report the incident to NSW Police - giving them what information you have.



1.) Party overdue. Overdue parties are usually fine, but have hit some situation that has caused a delay (swollen creek, bogged vehicle etc). If you have been emailed or been left with a copy of the Leader's Form (Trip Intentions Form), have that handy when you call one of the contacts above or report the incident to the Police. 


2.) Locator Beacon activated. If you have been rung by AMSA (Australian Maritime Safety Authority) because your friend's/relative's Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) has been activated, the situation is more urgent. Acknowledge that the party is in the area where the beacon has gone off and give them any information that you have. If you have a copy of the Trip Intentions Form (Leaders Form), there is useful information on that.

If needed, state that you will try to obtain more information about the party. Get a contact number & email address for the person ringing from AMSA, then ring one of the Search & Rescue contacts above so they can start to obtain as much information as possible.


For Search and Rescue contacts or Committee Members, there are very helpful procedures and documents here (restricted access).